Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This Time It's For Me

I turned 31 this year, and I am sad to say that I weighed in at a hefty 185 lbs on the Friday before my birthday. That is the heaviest I have ever been. As a child I didn't ever have to worry about my weight, or what I was eating. I guess I was just always lucky then. I had my daughter when I was 20, and I have struggled with my weight ever sense.

My weight loss in the past has been one fad diet after the next, and even the fabulous, magical, I'm gonna lose weight if I take it "magic pill". I have always failed. About 2 years ago I was back in a size 5 and weight 125 lbs, which may sound like a success, but I didn't change a thing, I just ate the food "Nuture System" provided. So here I am at my heaviest weight to date, and I finally decided I am doing it for me.

I am 2 weeks in, and I have lost 2.9 lbs. One thing I learned from my past failures is that the lifelong success I am looking for will not happen over night and will not be easy. By the end of my journey I would like to weight in at 130 lbs, and more important be in better shape then I was at 18.

My Changes So Far

So in November before I had made a true commitment I joined Martial Arts with my 11 year old daughter. Lets just say in the begining I thought I was going to die. Four weeks in and I sprained my left shoulder doing these push-ups that those big muscle guys can probably do without breaking a sweat. We were elevated (picture your arms and two chairs) you had to drop through below your shoulders and then push yourself back up. Ouch! I was in so much pain 2 days later I couldn't sleep. My sprained shoulder kept me out of Martial Arts for 4 weeks. Anyway I'm back at it now and starting to feel like I can really keep up.

Two weeks ago I started getting up at 5:15 am and working out with Jillian's, from the Biggest Loser", 30 day shred DVD before work. I also go to Martial Arts for 1 hour 4-5 days a week, and about a week ago I got a wii fit from my dad at our belated Christmas celebration. I have also made some huge changes to my eating habits. I will go into more detail later about my official eating changes, but for now I will stick with the workouts.

So the key for me is fun. If it's fun I don't dread doing it even when it's hard work. I love Martial Arts. It is nice that me and my daughter can do it together, and it's a great extended family network. I tend to be shy, but I finally feel like I am forming great friendships, which is hard as an adult. There are people of all ages in my class and everyone is really supportive, and they all want to see you succeed. I also love the Wii Fit. It's like playing a game, but trust me if you use it you feel it. I also love that it tracks your progress. As for Jillian, I love her. She kicks my butt every morning, and though she isn't there when I want to quit I here her yelling at me as though I am on the Biggest Loser Ranch. It may not be as much fun as my other activities, but it is quick and to the point I love it.

Well I guess that's it for now. I will try to post at least 3 times a week and every Friday is "Weigh in Day", so I will always post my progress that day. I am doing this for me because somewhere under all this weight is the girl I remember, and I can't live without her anymore.

P.S. If you too are on your way to losing weight click this link help feed America 1 lb at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I'm so excited you decided to start a blog. I love my wii fit too. I wrote a blog post about it you should check it out.
